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Tel Aviv's Florentine neighborhood credit: Tali Bogdanovsky Planning Administration: Global warming not theoretical

Israel’s Planning Administration says dense urban construction is increasing temperatures in Tel Aviv, and warns about flooding in Haifa Bay.

Homebiogas founders credit: Homebiogas Supplying green cooking gas to the developing world

Over 40,000 families in 100 countries use Israeli company Homebiogas's products, replacing the polluting wood and coal used for indoor cooking.

UBQ cofounder and CEO Jack (Tato) Bigio credit: UBQ UBQ turns household waste into organic plastic

Listed as one of TIME magazine's "Best inventions of 2023," the Israeli company's customers include Mercedes, McDonald’s, and PepsiCo.

Solar panels EIB to invest €250m in Israeli green projects via Leumi

Bank Leumi has set a strategy on climate change and the environment which aims to provide green credit worth NIS 35 billion by 2030.

Climate change credit: Shutterstock "Agriculture is most sensitive to extreme climate events"

Participants in the "Global warming, climate change and food security" panel explained why precision agriculture is one of the solutions for climate change.

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