Three Indiana trade delegations are due to visit Israel next week. A delegation representing the City of Anderson, headed by Mayor Kevin S. Smith, will also include Anderson economic development consultant Greg Winkler,and Old National Bank vice president Sam Pellegrino, who will represent the business community. The Anderson delegation will leave for Tel Aviv Sunday, November 6, and return on Saturday, November 12.
There will also be a delegation from Columbus, Indiana, as well as one from the Indiana Economic Development Commission.
The Anderson delegation intends to promote expansion of existing business, and will meet with the Israeli owners of two companies, HDP and Taditel, which are already located in Anderson.
HDP has 120 employees in Anderson. HDP North America is a $90 million company.
Taditel, an automotive electronics aftermarket engineering firm, recently moved its distribution facility to Anderson.
The city representatives will also meet with a third, unnamed Israeli firm that does business with an Anderson company.
“Old National was very pleased for me to accompany the mayor to Israel,” said Pellegrino. “I was privileged to be invited by the mayor to go. My goal will be the same as his: to stimulate investment in Anderson, Indiana.”
The Anderson delegation will present its selling points to 60 companies during the week. “These will be companies that are all interested in having a presence in the Midwest,” said Smith. “We believe we can put forward a compelling case for them to locate in Anderson.”
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on Thursday, November 03, 2005