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ERLOS plant in Germany credit: Peter Fenes EV battery recycling plant to open in Israel

Car importer Colmobil is leading the consortium building the plant based on German technology.

SolarEdge Tziporit plant credit: SolarEdge SolarEdge in talks to sublease northern production plant

At least one company, which serves as a Ministry of Defense contractor, is in talks to lease part of SolarEdge's production facilities in the Tziporit Industrial Park.

Aaron Frenkel and Nathan Hetz  credit: Eli Etkin, Tamar Matsafi Frenkel ups Alony Hetz stake to become biggest shareholder

Aaron Frenkel has bought shares in the company for NIS 60 million, giving him a 13% stake, leapfrogging CEO Nathan Hetz who owns a 12.5% stake.

Aaron Frenkel credit: Eli Etkin Azerbaijan's SOCAR to buy Tamar stake from Aaron Frenkel

SOCAR has agreed to buy a 10% stake in the Israeli offshore gas field from the businessman, a source close to the matter has told "Globes."

Gasoline prices credit: Tali Bogdanovsky Gasoline prices in Israel to rise Saturday night

The maximum price of government price controlled 95 octane gasoline at self-service pumps in Israel will rise on Saturday at midnight February 2, 2025, by NIS 0.11 per liter to NIS 7.31 per liter, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has announced.

Eshkol power station credit: IEC Energean signs $2b Dalia power plants gas deal

Energean has signed a binding memorandum of understanding to provide 12 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Dalia Energy's Dalia and Eshkol power plants.

Basic electricity meter credit: Shutterstock 300,000 Israeli households switch electricity supplier

Although this is three times higher than expected, senior industry figures expect some of the seven new suppliers to go out of business due to the complex challenges.

IPM power plant in Beer Tuvia credit: PR Keystone Fund plans data center in Be'er Tuvia power plant

According to the plan, the campus will be divided into two data centers - with a total capacity of 40 megawatts of IT.

Shuki Nir  credit: SolarEdge SolarEdge lays off another 400 employees

While the previous rounds of layoffs were carried out by the then CEO Zvi Lando, the current round is being led by new CEO Shuki Nir.

Gas station credit: Tali Bogdanovsky Gasoline prices in Israel to rise Tuesday night

The maximum price of government price controlled 95 octane gasoline at self-service pumps in Israel will rise on Tuesday at midnight January 1, 2025, by NIS 0.08 per liter to NIS 7.20 per liter, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has announced.

Power supply  credit: Shutterstock Price of electricity to rise by less than planned

The Israel Public Utility Authority for Electricity has decided that the consumer tariff will rise by 3.5% in January.

Edeltech wins Sorek power station BOT tender

The Edeltech-Menorah consortium has won the BOT tender to finance, build, operate and maintain the power plant for 25 years.

Shuki Nir  credit: SolarEdge SolarEdge appoints new CEO

Chief marketing officer Shuki Nir will replace interim CEO Ronen Faier, and will face the task of turning around the energy technology company that has switched to losses and seen its share price collapse.

Energean CEO Mathios Rigas at the Israel Business Conference   credit: Shlomi Yosef Energean CEO: We're committed to keep supplying Israel with gas

Mathios Rigas told the Israel Business Conference how his company had kept the gas flowing, even during the attack by Iran.

Ronen Fauer  credit: Eyal Izhar SolarEdge share price soars 50% from last month's low

The company has been coping with changes in the solar energy market that have hit its results.

Ronen Fauer  credit: Eyal Izhar SolarEdge to shut non-solar Energy Storage division

The division is based on Korean company Kokam, which SolarEdge acquired six years ago for $88 million.

Impression of new SolarEdge campus at Glilot credit:  Gilad Lan SolarEdge to sublet part of new campus to ease crisis

The solar energy company is seeking tenants for its new campus in Glilot, which it has leased from Azrieli.

Solar Drone credit: Amit Malka Bladeranger signs solar panel drone cleaning deal with Electra

Propeller Drones will use its partner Bladeranger’s technology to clean Electra's solar energy fields.

SolarEdge panels credit: Company website Trump and heavy losses drag SolarEdge to new low

The Israeli solar energy company's market cap is currently $840 million, a fraction of the $19 billion market cap at SolarEdge's peak three years ago.

Gas station credit: Tali Bogdanovsky Gasoline prices in Israel back on the rise

The maximum price of government price controlled 95 octane gasoline at self-service pumps in Israel will rise on Thursday at midnight November 1, by NIS 0.04 per liter to NIS 7.12 per liter.

SolarEdge solar farm  credit: courtesy of SolarEdge SolarEdge becomes short players' favorite

According to investment website Seeking Alpha, the company has the second largest short position among the companies on New York stock exchanges.

Leviathan platform  credit: Albatross Chevron suspends work on Leviathan third pipeline

The project, which aims to increase Israel's daily supply of gas by 0.2 BCF, will be delayed due to the war, hitting plans to increase exports.

Electricity reform illustration: Tali Bogdanovsky 100,000 customers switch electricity supplier

There are 3.1 million electricity customers in Israel and with the 100,000 target for the end of 2024 already breached, the target has been raised to 200,000.

gasoline prices credit: Tal Bogdanovsky Gasoline prices in Israel to fall for third straight month

From the start of 2024 to September 1, the maximum price of government price controlled 95 octane gasoline at self-service pumps would have risen by NIS 0.22 from NIS 6.94 at the end of 2023.

Leviathan platform  credit: Albatross Leviathan partners sign $150m Haifa Group gas deal

Haifa Group said the natural gas will be used for its routine operational needs and as raw material for its ammonia production plant, which is currently under construction at Mishor Rotem.

Leviathan platform  credit: Albatross Israel's gas royalties up 12.5% in H1 2024

NIS 1.133 billion was collected from natural gas royalties in the first half of 204, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure reports.

Rooftop solar panels credit: Shutterstock Gov't report slams rooftop solar panels as too costly

A month after regulations made solar panels on newly built public buildings and houses mandatory, a National Economic Council study says this method of producing electricity is too expensive for the economy.

Delek gas station credit: Sivan Faraj Gasoline prices in Israel to fall Saturday night

The maximum price of government price controlled 95 octane gasoline at self-service pumps in Israel will fall on Saturday at midnight September 1, by NIS 0.19 per liter to NIS 7.29 per liter, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has announced.

Benny Landa  credit: Miguel Gutierrez Benny Landa's GenCell to implement streamlining plan

The cleantech company estimates that the plan will save NIS 5 million in annual spending, which will help it cope best with current and future challenges.

SolarEdge CEO Zvi Lando credit: Eyal Izhar SolarEdge CEO Zvi Lando steps down

Lando: The road to a full recovery of SolarEdge is still ahead of us and to drive this recovery at a fast pace requires new energy and leadership.

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