ICL credit: NYSE ICL signs $170m Chinese fertilizer deal

The agreement with AMP Holdings is for specialty water soluble fertilizers, which are used in drip irrigation and designed for cash-crops.

ICL credit: NYSE ICL buys US co Custom Ag Formulators for $60m

The Israeli company’s second growing solutions acquisition in 2024 is part of its strategy of expand its growing solutions product offerings.

FIMI CEO Ishay Davidi credit: Yonatan Bloom FIMI in advanced talks to buy control of Bio-Lab

The company, which produces complex chemical products at a very high level of purity, is valued at NIS 290 million.

Hamas Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades  credit: Shutterstock The drug that stimulates, and finances, terrorists

Captagon was found in large amounts on Hamas terrorists killed in the October 7 attack. How did an attention deficit disorder treatment become the engine of Arab terrorism?

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