Sabon Shel Paam to open Rome franchise

The company, which makes handmade bath and body products, will open a store in New York next month.

Sabon Shel Paam is opening its first store in Rome this month, at an investment of $300,000. Sabon Shel Paam co-owners Avi Piatok and Sigal Kofler-Levy have signed a contract with Italian-Israeli franchisees, under which the latter have undertaken to open five more stores across Italy by the end of 2008. The first 25-sq.m. store will be opened in Rome’s Vaticano-Prati commercial district

Sabon Shel Paam will open a store in New York next month, at an investment of $700,000. The company already has seven stores in the US and Canada, five in the Netherlands, four in Romania, and two in Poland, all of which are held by franchisees. The company has 20 stores in Israel, half of which are held by franchisees.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on April 10, 2006

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