EMIT Aviation owner suspected of selling UAVs to China

Police suspect that UAVs were sold without Defense Ministry permits.

The Israel Police National Serious and International Crimes Unit this morning detained for questioning the CEO and owners of EMIT Aviation Consult Ltd., a manufacturer and exporter of surveillance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), on suspicion of selling UAVs to Far Eastern entities without a permit. EMIT Aviation is based in the Kidmat Sharon industrial zone.

After a joint undercover investigation with customs and the Ministry of Defense security unit, which lasted several weeks, the company’s owners and other employees were arrested. They are suspected of selling UAVs to Chinese entities and of exporting defense know-how, without obtaining permits from SIBAT - Foreign Defense Assistance and Defense Export Organization.

The police also suspect that the suspects forged documents to export the goods without a permit. Investigators said that, in order to evade the law, EMIT Aviation’s CEO sent a Sparrow UAV and its peripheral equipment to a Far Eastern country by claiming that it was to be displayed at an arms exhibition.

The police claim that when the fraud was discovered, EMIT Aviation’s CEO tried to obstruct the investigation and conceal evidence by falsifying changes in signed contracts with customers.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes.co.il - on May 22, 2006

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