Israeli data protection start-up Yoggie Security Systems Ltd. has raised $1 million from Silicom Ventures, EarlyBird Ventures of New York, and private Israeli investors. Yoggie is also in the process of holding a larger financing round to finance the completion of its product development.
Serial entrepreneur Shlomo Touboul founded Yoggie and serves as its chairman, and CEO. The company has raised $2 million to date, and announced the launch of its product for serial production last week.
Yoggie aims to close a security breach that can harm enterprises - mobile devices, telephones and computers by securing an enterprise’s information for private users on their mobile devices..
In 1985, Toubol founded Shani Computers, which was sold to Intel Corp. (Nasdaq:INTC) ten years later for $15 million. He founded Finjan Software Inc., which develops network information security solutions, in 1996. He left Finjan a year ago to found Yoggie. Yoggie VP marketing Nir Zamir has held senior positions at Fundtech Ltd. (Nasdaq: FNDT; TASE: FNDT), Amdocs Ltd. (NYSE: DOX) and VocalTec Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq:VOCL).
Last week, Yoggie announced the completion of its Gatekeeper Pro solution, a component the size of a credit card that can provide security for mobile devices and employees working outside the office. Gatekeeper Pro is being offered to both enterprises and private users.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 21, 2007
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