“Starting today, Mekorot will cut off the water supply to communities, gas stations, and factories that have not installed backflow prevention devices that prevent pesticides and fertilizers from entering the national water system,” announced Mekorot National Water Company central district head Daniel Sofer.
Backflow prevention devices are installations that prevent the reverse flow of water from irrigation pipes into the national water system. Their absence is liable to cause pesticides and fertilizers found in irrigation water to enter the water system and reach households. Sofer said that these substances are liable to be toxic, causing illness and even death, even in locations far from the source of the substances.
Mekorot says that it announced the nationwide campaign for the installation of backflow prevention devices three months ago, in the wake of numerous complaints of contaminated water. Sofer estimates that 60 farms, gas stations, and factories in the central district alone, 10% of the farms in the area, have not yet installed the backflow blockers.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes.co.il - on October 17, 2007
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