Sheldon Adelson, one of the world's wealthiest Jews, and the controlling shareholder in casinos in Las Vegas and Macau, as well as free newspaper "Israel Today", has lambasted American Israel Public Affairs Committee (APIAC) for supporting aid to the Palestinians.
It is no secret that Adelson holds Right-wing views, which are the foundation for his friendship with Likud chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu. Every years, he brings US legislators on visits to Israel and tells them that Israel should continue to control the West Bank.
However, this is the first time that he has criticized AIPAC, one of the pillars of the American Jewish establishment, accusing the lobby of not working Israel's benefit.
Adelson is furious at AIPAC's decision to support a letter signed by more than 100 Members of the House of Representatives urging the Bush administration to increase economic aid to the Palestinians. In an interview with the "Jewish Telegraph Agency", he likened AIPAC to a friend assisting Israel's suicide.
Adelson said, "If someone is going to jump off a bridge, it is incumbent upon their friends to dissuade them."
"Forward" reports that Adelson raised the issue in a phone call with AIPAC executive director Howard Kohr.
Adelson made no comment about future donations to AIPAC. He is one of the largest donors to the lobby, reportedly donating millions of a dollars a year. However, there is no doubt that if he continues to support AIPAC, he will be a dark cloud over its leadership.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on November 22, 2007
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