Employers complained about treatment by their manager.
LLD, the diamond mine privately owned by Lev Leviev, the world's largest private diamond trader and chairman and controlling shareholder of Africa-Israel Investments Ltd. (TASE:AFIL; Pink Sheets:AFIVY.PK), yesterday fired 148 workers who went on strike at its polishing factory in the Namibian capital Windhoek. Three weeks ago, part of the factory's staff downed tools, claiming that the plant manager, Mike Nesongano, had ignored their requests, talked to them in a rude and insulting manner, disregarded proper work procedures, and even threatened some workers if they didn't agree with the management's decisions.
News portal "All Africa" reported that the workers' representatives have been attempting to reach a settlement with management for the last three weeks to no avail. In addition to the 148 employees fired yesterday, a further 100 who protested more quietly are to receive their letters of dismissal today from a courier of the Supreme Court in Windhoek.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on July 9, 2008
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