Danya Cebus ends Road 431 maintenance feud

The contractor and the manufacturer of the flawed rails will examine them.

Danya Cebus Ltd. (TASE: DNYA) today notified the TASE that subsidiary Netivei Hayovel Ltd. yesterday notified Israel National Roads Company Ltd. would cooperate with Traffic Tech Ltd. to repair the flaws in the safety rails on Road 431.

Netivei Hayovel is the franchisee that operates and maintains the newly opened road, which runs between Rishon LeZion and Modi'in.

Traffic Tech manufactured the steel safety rails that Danya Cebus used on the road. The two companies will jointly check the quality of the rails used and correct errors made in their installation, as alleged by the National Roads Company.

When the process is completed, Traffic Tech will confirm in writing that the rails comply with standard, were properly installed, and underwent quality control by the company in accordance with regulations and standards.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on March 5, 2009

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