Bank Hapoalim raises record amount

The bank sold notes which will be considered part of its Tier 2 capital.

Institutional investors showed their confidence in Bank Hapoalim (TASE: POLI), which raised NIS 1.5 billion in an institutional funding offering.

The bank sold capital notes which will be considered part of its Tier 2 capital. Next week, the bank will complete the issue with an offering to the public.

Hapoalim offered notes in a CPI-indexed fixed interest -rate series with an average duration of 8 years. The interest rate was set at 5.75%, which was lower than the 5.95% maximum rate offered in the tender.

June has been a record month for raising capital at Bank Hapoalim, which has raised over NIS 3 billion this month. Since the beginning of the year, Hapoalim has raised over NIS 4 billion, in Israel and overseas.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 25, 2009

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