Netanyahu names Arabic-language spokesman

Ofir Gendelman will make Israel's case in the media to Arabic speaking communities.

The Prime Minister's Office has named Ofir Gendelman as Arabic-language spokesman for public diplomacy. Gendelman will make Israel's case in the media to Arabic speaking communities.

National Information Directorate head Nir Hefetz said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the role "in order to deal with recent media developments in the Arab world, and especially in light of global developments regarding Arabic-language television stations."

According to the Prime Minister's office, the decision to appoint a public diplomacy spokesman for the Arabic media was made in order to strengthen Israel's public diplomacy efforts with Arabic-speaking communities, represent Israel's positions directly and increase the exposure of these communities to Israeli content and initiatives on various diplomatic, security, economic, social and cultural issues. Gendelman will also coordinate between the government's various Arabic public diplomacy elements, in the framework of the Prime Minister's Office National Information Directorate.

Gendelman holds a Bachelor's Degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern history and international relations from Hebrew University, and master's degrees in security studies from Tel Aviv University, and in business administration from Bar-Ilan University. A diplomat who graduated from the Foreign Ministry's cadet course, Gendelman has served in the Foreign Ministry since 1998 and twice served as its Arabic media spokesman.

Gendelman also recently served as the first director-general of the Israel-Palestinian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on May 5, 2010

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