Trains are again running between Herzliya and Netanya having been suspended for much of the day.
Three carriages of a train caught fire this morning, apparently after the rear engine burst into flames. The incident occurred between Beit Yehoshua and Shefayim. Magen David Adom immediately termed it an incident with multiple injuries. Over 100 passengers were injured by smoke inhalation or shock, about 5 were moderately injured. Several passengers were slightly hurt jumping off the train.
Israel Railways said that all the passengers were evacuated from the scene. Eyewitnesses said heavy smoke enveloped the train.
Large Police forces and three Fire and Rescue Services teams arrived at the scene and searched for injured passengers. Trains are again running between Herzliya and Netanya having been suspended for much of the day.
Emergency care teams evacuated the injured with the assistance of firefighters. Many passengers were able to escape the train before the arrival of the rescue forces.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on December 28, 2010
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