Shin Bet foils Teddy Stadium rocket attack

Hamas allegedly planned to fire rockets into the stadium during a Beitar Jerusalem Premier League match.

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) has arrested two residents of Jerusalem. The two men, Mussa Hamada of Tzur Bahar and Basem Omri of Beit Tzafafa, are activists in the Muslim Brotherhood.

They planned to fire rockets into Teddy Stadium during a Betar Jerusalem Premier League football match. The attack was planned as retaliation for Operation Cast Lead in Gaza two years ago. The two men had scouted nearby hilltops for a launch site and had already acquired arms and explosive materials to build a rocket.

The gag order on the arrests, which were made in November 2010, was lifted today.

The indictment filed with the The Jerusalem District Court charges Hamada and Omri of membership in Hamas since 2000, and of working with Hamas representatives at the Al-Aqsa Mosque for the past three years.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 2, 2011

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