Jerusalem Municipality to extend Begin highway south

The municipality plans to bisect the Arab neighborhood of Beit Zafafa, so the road can reach Gilo.

Jerusalem Municipality is publishing four tenders to extend the Begin highway, one of the city's main traffic arteries, south to the neighborhood of Gilo. The first two tenders, worth NIS 400 million altogether, for the construction of the 1.5-kilometer section from Golomb Street to the train station in Malha, have already been published.

Two more tenders will be published for the section between Golomb Street and the intersection with Road 60 - the Tunnels highway (which goes from Gilo beneath Arab villages to the Etzion Bloc settlements in the West Bank), where an interchange will be built. The southern section will run through the Arab neighborhood of Beit Zafafa.

Moriah Jerusalem Development Company Ltd. will be responsible for the three-year project, which is scheduled to begin this summer.

The Jerusalem Municipality is also due to publish a NIS 30 million tender to widen the Begin highway between Golomb Street and Kiryat Moshe.

The Begin highway currently runs 12 kilometers from Road 443 in the north to Malha in the south. When completed, the highway will have three lanes in both directions along its entire length. The total cost of the road is estimated at NIS 1 billion when completed in 2015.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 8, 2011

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