Trajtenberg insists he sympathizes with protesters

The head of the Rothschild team promised President Peres that he is seeking a new direction.

"I grew up in a country where social injustice was our bread and butter. My feelings about this were not born yesterday on Rothschild Boulevard, but in the favelas and slums of Argentina. I cannot look at myself in the mirror if I cannot provide a solution to these distresses," Rothschild team chairman Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg told President Shimon Peres today.

Trajtenberg added, "Some of the protesters doubt our willingness to listen. I tell them, 'We want and are yearning to hear each of you. Give us a chance. After all, unless we listen, we won't be able to translate this into the language of deeds. We're seeking partners."

Peres replied, "We face a two-fold task. We must first listen to the public's mood, and then we must translate this mood into professional language and a new policy direction and hope. This is a heavy duty. I can't remember the last time such a complicated task was even placed on a committee. Your traveler's payer and understanding are very important to us."

Trajtenberg emphasized the tight timetable to provide a responsible, but rapid response. "The public, justly, expects change in the direction of action, not just talk," he said.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on August 11, 2011

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