Peretz, Yacimovich in 2nd Labor primaries round

Shelly Yacimovich: Labor under my leadership will be the real home for the protest movement.

MK Amir Peretz and MK Shelly Yacimovich will face off in the second round of voting in the Labor Party primaries for the party chairmanship. With 97% of the votes counted, Yacimovich had 32% and Peretz had 31%. The second round will be held on Wednesday, after no candidate received 40% of the vote. The Labor Party will announce the final results of the first round this afternoon.

Turnout in the first round was high.

MK Isaac Herzog was in third place with 25% of the vote and Amram Mitzna had 12%.

Yacimovich told supporters, "There was a sharp and clear difference here about what the Labor Party wants - a social-democratic and moral party; an alternative to the Netanyahu and Kadima regime. Labor under my leadership will be the real home for the protest movement. This was a historic summer in Israeli history. We will open a new road which is the only way to create real peace."

Second-place Peretz called on Herzog and Mitzna to support him. "Herzog is to be congratulated for his achievement. He worked despite difficult spin from Yacimovich, and I want him and Mitzna to be partners in the struggle against Netanyahu."

Herzog told his supporters, "It was shown today that I am the election surprise, as I promised and belying all the polls and commentators. I will consult with my partners in the coming days about our next steps in the party."

Both Peretz and Mitzna have previously served as chairman of the Labor Party.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on September 13, 2011

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