Deputy Attorney General Mike Blass today blocked a Ministry of Finance plan to submit the Kedmi committee recommendations to reform the dairy market to the cabinet to approve at Sunday's meeting. Among other things, the ministry planned to submit for cabinet approval a reduction in the target price of raw milk sent from dairy farmers to dairies, and to allow imports, with the objective of lowering prices of dairy products.
The original decision to include the dairy reform in the upcoming cabinet meeting, which is also due to approve additional items of the Trajtenberg report, was taken despite a High Court of Justice ruling on the matter. The court ruled that the government could not discuss or approve measures in the dairy market without prior dialogue with representatives of the Dairy Board and the Israel Cattle Growers Association.
The heads of the dairy industry and dairymen said that no such dialogue had been held, and that any discussion on the issue by the government would violate the High Court of Justice order, amounting to contempt of court.
The dairy farmers held an emergency meeting and decided to immediately renew their protests, including the establishment of a protest camp outside the home of Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Shalom Simhon in Moshav Even Menachem in the Western Galilee. They also plan to hold large demonstrations across the country beginning next week.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 26, 2012
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