Most of the 3D gesture recognition company's layoffs are at its premises in Tel Aviv's high-tech zone in Ramat Hahayal.
3D gesture recognition company PrimeSense Inc. is firing 50 of its 190 employees. Most of the layoffs are at its premises in Tel Aviv's high-tech zone in Ramat Hahayal. The company is holding hearings for employees today, ahead of sending them pink slips later this week.
PrimeSense is cutting its workforce in all departments: marketing, R&D, and operations. The company's technology is used in Microsoft Corporation's (Nasdaq: MSFT) Kinect Xbox 360 games console.
In 2010, "Globes" ranked PrimeSense second on its list of most promising Israeli start-ups for the year, and mentioned it as a candidate for a Nasdaq IPO. Last year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology named the company as one of the top 50 innovators of 2011.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 11, 2012
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