Droughts, biofuels, and volatile commodity markets have boosted the global price for cereals.
The Ministry of Agriculture warns that food prices are likely to rise by up to 17% by the end of the year. A ministry study of global cereal prices found that rising commodity prices in recent months will likely continue and could reach 50% by the end of the year.
The survey said that the worrying rise in prices for cereals will directly affect prices for milk, poultry, and eggs, which use these cereals. The ministry expects the price of milk to rise by 13% and a 14% rise in the price of chicken and turkey, and a 17% rise in the price of eggs by the end of 2012.
It is doubtful whether the social protest leaders will accept this explanation, but the Ministry of Agriculture blames the weather and droughts that have destroyed crops around the world for the rise in prices for crops. Volatile agriculture commodities markets, as well as the use of crops for biofuels, which has reduced food crops, have also boosted prices for cereals.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on August 15, 2012
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