The cabinet today approved extending daylight savings through the end of October, in line with the practice in Europe.
In accordance with the bill by Minister of the Interior Gideon Sa'ar, the Knesset plenum will hold the first reading of the bill tomorrow, so that the current Knesset session will pass the bill, allowing extended daylight savings to come into effect this year.
Under the bill daylight savings will continue through the end of October, instead of the present period from the end of March through early October. Sa'ar said that the extension would benefit all Israelis, extending recreation time, boosting trade and the economy, and improve road safety.
"Today, we're deciding another decision which was not made for 65 years -extending daylight savings," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the start of the cabinet meeting. "We are now a land of milk and honey, and of gas and sunlight. This is good and is a welcome change."
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 23, 2013
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