Shekel weakens against dollar after Gaza strikes

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Israeli forces have killed three senior Islamic commanders in response to rocket fire at southern settlements.

In a joint operation by the IDF and the ISA (Israel Security Agency) last night, as part of Operation Shield and Arrow, three senior members of the Islamic Jihad organization were killed.

The market responded to events immediately, and the shekel has weakened against the US dollar. The shekel-dollar exchange rate is currently 0.42% higher than yesterday’s representative rate, at NIS 3.6483/$.

The three terrorists killed were Islamic Jihad’s commander in the northern Gaza Strip, Khalil Bahitini, Jahed Ahnam, a member of the organization’s military council, and Tarek Azaldin, who was responsible for directing terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria. About 40 aircraft of various types were involved in the strikes on the Gaza Strip, which came in response to intense rocket fire at settlements in southern Israel.

Besides the three Islamic Jihad commanders there were several other casualties on the Palestinian side. IDF forces are also in action in Judea and Samaria. The Gaza front is reported to be quiet, but this is not expected to last, and Islamic Jihad is expected to respond after the funerals of its slain operatives.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on May 9, 2023.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2023.

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