The average monthly salary of employees in Israel rose by 5.1% in April 2023 to NIS 12,669, compared with April 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports. Almost the entire rise was eroded by inflation, which was 5% over the 12 month period.
In the tech sector, the average salary in March 2023 was NIS 31,685, up 5.8% from March 2022. However, due to inflation tech sector salaries were also eroded. The number of salaried positions in the tech sector in March 2023 was up 3.3% from March 2022.
Between April 2022 and April 2023, the number of salaried jobs in the Israeli economy grew by 0.9%, lower than the 2% by which the population grew over that period. The number of jobs fell by 1% between April 2023 and March 2023, reflecting the slowdown in the economy.
Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on June 4, 2023.
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