Mon: Banks strong, Paz surges

Shares in Paz Oil jumped after Zohar Levy raised his stake in the company.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange rose today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index rose 1.08%, to 1,980.63 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index rose 0.97%, to 1,988.49 points; and the BlueTech Global Index rose 0.42%, to 430.23 points. The TelBond 60 corporate bond index rose 0.04%, to 376.45 points. Turnover totaled NIS 2.21 billion in equities and NIS 4.33 billion in bonds.

On the foreign exchange market, the shekel-dollar representative rate was set 0.35% lower, at NIS 3.7030/$, and the shekel-euro representative rate was set 0.21% lower, at NIS 4.0237/€.

Bank Hapoalim, which reported first quarter results today, led trading, and rose 1.63%. Bank Leumi rose 1.66%; Nice rose 1.13%; Teva rose 1.83%; and Discount Bank, which also reported today, rose 0.92%.

Notable advancers today were Paz Oil, which jumped 8.46% after Zohar Levy bought shares to the tune of NIS 246.5 million in the company through Summit Real Estate which he controls, making Summit the largest shareholder in Paz with a 16% stake. Levy bought the shares at a 9% premium, apparently mainly from Clal Insurance. Delta Brands rose 7.67%; Shufersal rose 5.53%; and Telsys rose 5.46%. Magic Software fell 2.31% and El Al fell 2.07%.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on May 20, 2024.

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