Hamas rejects Israel hostage deal - report

Rafah credit: Reuters Mohammed Salem
Rafah credit: Reuters Mohammed Salem

Saudi media outlet Asharq reports that Hamas rejects the Israeli proposal because it does not guarantee a permanent ceasefire.

Saudi media outlet Asharq reports that Hamas has rejected Israel's proposal after claiming that the offer was substantially different from the proposal presented by US President Joe Biden. Hamas says that the Israeli proposal "Does not guarantee a permanent ceasefire, but a temporary ceasefire. The Israeli forces would remain in the territory of the Gaza Strip and when the hostages are released, then they will resume the war."

Hamas was also quoted by Asharq as saying, "When President Biden made his statements, the movement announced that it welcomes his words, because they embody the elements necessary to reach an agreement that would lead to a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip, the introduction of large amounts of aid, the return of those displaced, reconstruction, and exchange of captives.

"The movement did not hesitate to immediately announce its positive position regarding these statements, because they are consistent with the proposal from May 6, when the mediators announced the content of the proposal that President Biden spoke of, which he said was Israeli. It has become clear that they were without the positive elements mentioned in Biden's statements. There was a difference between what was in the proposal and what Biden presented, which has caused many problems and controversy. What Biden spoke about was his personal interpretations of the proposal, verbal agreements with Israeli officials or something else?"

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on June 6, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Rafah credit: Reuters Mohammed Salem
Rafah credit: Reuters Mohammed Salem
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