Update on cyberattack at "Globes"

Globes credit: Globes
Globes credit: Globes

The attack was accompanied by a rasnsom demand, but as a media organization that advocates transparency and non-cooperation with crime, we made a decision not to pay a ransom, or to negotiate with the perpetrators.

Update on cyberattack at "Globes" - 29.7.24 17.30

As promised, we continue to provide updates on the cyberattack that "Globes" is experiencing. As you may recall, a sophisticated international economic criminal gang, known to the authorities, carried out a cyberattack against Globes computer systems, which led to the leak of a limited amount of information, as far as we know at this stage.

The attack was accompanied by a rasnsom demand, but as a media organization that advocates transparency and non-cooperation with crime, we made a decision not to pay a ransom, or to negotiate with the perpetrators.

Since the attack, we, together with cyber experts and consultants, have been investing significant efforts and resources in dealing with the consequences of the incident while maintaining day-to-day operations, as well as making sure to report and inform the relevant authorities, customers, suppliers, employees and the public at large.

Despite the challenges, "Globes" employees have been working continuously to maintain print and digital activity, as far as possible. As part of this, we have been carrying out proactive maintenance and upgrade work on the website and therefore there may be temporary disruptions in various services. With this in mind, we are working to minimize these disruptions and we thank for your patience

It is possible that due to our refusal to cooperate, the attackers may try to put pressure on the organization, using various communication channels or social networks. For the sake of caution, we repeat and draw your attention to the fact that if you have received a suspicious message, by phone or email (phishing) - that includes a personal request, a demand to provide details or a request to click on any link, you should avoid it.

Thank you for the support we have been receiving from you at this time.

Update on cyber event at "Globes" - 25.7.24

As promised, we continue to provide updates on the cyberattack that took place last week at "Globes". We continue to act together with our professional partners and with the involvement of the relevant authorities to manage the event in the best possible way.

We routinely invest in extensive security measures, thanks to which we have succeeded in repelling the many attempted attacks that we have experienced, especially since October 7. Following the latest attack, we are adopting further protective measures, and in the coming days we will carry out maintenance and upgrade work on our Internet sites. There may therefore be temporary disruptions to our various services. We thank you for your patience.

Update on cyber event at Globes 23.7.24: 20.00: Over recent days "Globes" has been dealing with a cyberattack, about which we are still learning the consequences. We already know that this was an economic terror attack by a sophisticated international criminal gang.

"Globes" is currently working with professional bodies and consultants, with experience in similar incidents, to thwart the event, study its consequences and manage it optimally. 

Like the entire Israeli economy, "Globes" has also been dealing with increasing attacks on its infrastructure and systems in recent months as part of the Swords of Iron war, which it has managed to thwart. Despite the integration of data security measures, as we know, there is no hermetic protection against these attacks.

"Globes" is proud that with great effort it has managed to continue to provide its readers with its journalism both on the website and in the newspaper. For the sake of caution, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you have received a suspicious message - by phone or email - that asks you for any details or to click on any link, this action should be avoided. We will continue to provide updates in the coming days on the website, in the newspaper and on social networks.

Thursday 18.7.24: 12:44

"Globes" newspaper has been coping in recent hours with a cyberattack. Certain services including access to the organization’s computers have been restricted in their operations and may limit services today. "Globes" is dealing with the situation and will provide updates as required. 

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on July 23, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Globes credit: Globes
Globes credit: Globes
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