Thu: El Al nosedives after EU change of heart

The main indices in Tel Aviv fell today, with El Al the outstanding decliner after the EU cancelled its recommendation to European airlines not to fly to Israel.

The main indices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange fell today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 0.94%, to 2,093.55 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index fell 0.96%, to 2,086.90 points; and the BlueTech Global Index fell 0.65%’ to 409.36 points. The TelBond 60 corporate bond index fell 0.05%, to 382.47 points. Turnover was NIS 1.64 billion in equities and NIS 5.26 billion in bonds.

For the two-week period September 29 to October 10 (which included the Rosh Hashana holiday break), the Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 0.1%. The index is up 12.2% for the year to date.

On the foreign exchange market, the representative shekel-dollar rate was set 0.37% higher today, at NIS 3.7740/$, and the representative shekel-euro rate was set 0.18% higher, at NIS 4.1275/€.

Bank Leumi led trading today, and fell 1.89%. El Al fell 6.13%, after the EU announced the cancellation of its recommendation to European airlines not to fly to Israel; Bank Hapoalim fell 1.42%; Shufersal fell 0.46%; and Teva rose 1.36%.

Notable advancers today were Veridis, up 2.78%; Villar International, up 2.21%; and Isracard, for which Menora Mivtachim announced an acquisition bid, up 1.75%. ElectReon fell 7.31%; Meshek Energy fell 3.90%; and Next Vision fell 3.49%.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on October 10, 2024.

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