Hundreds of start-ups, thousands of research projects - how to find a way through the maze? Globes Online takes a critical look at a start-up company each week, and the Guide includes an archive of this feature.
Then, there are organizations that match projects looking for investment and/or R&D cooperation with investors and partners. (Globes Online would welcome feedback on the effectiveness of these services.) The same page gives links to Israeli economic missions overseas, and bi-lateral trade organizations which assist potential investors. One important site is that of the Office of the Government Chief Scientist, which gives details of projects in the technology incubators, the organizations which channel assistance to technological ideas with commercial potential. The Guide also includes an incubators directory.
The Israel National Database for Academic Research and Development is one way into the ferment of scientific research in Israel’s academic institutions. The same page gives other sources, and links to organizations that promote R&D cooperation between Israel and other countries.
Israel's academic institutions increasingly seek to exploit their research commercially, and several have set up technology transfer companies for this purpose.
Several of Israel’s larger high tech companies promote start-ups, and some invite investment or cooperation in these projects. You will also find a listing of high tech industry associations on this page.