Marconi, the leading company in the fields of communications, aviation, and defense, has been given the 1999 Britain-Israel Chamber of Commerce prize for 1999 for its contribution to trade and investment in Israel. The prestigious prize was awarded to the company yesterday during the Chamber of Commerce's "Jubilee Dinner", which celebrated 50 years of activity. Taking part in the festive meal were Minister of Justice Yossi Beilin and British Minister of Science Lord Sainsbury.
Britain-Israel Chamber of Commerce general-manager Brian Cohen told "Globes", "We chose Marconi, not only for its historical involvement in ties with Israel, but for its becoming a global communications company. In this situation, it has a maximal interest in acquiring Israeli companies, and will continue its involvement in new opportunities in Israel".
Marconi general manager Lord Simpson said, "We have a long-term relationship with Israel, which has always been useful to both sides. As a rapidly growing communications company, our ties with Israel have become more important and worthwhile for us. Israel is one of the most important countries for us".
Lord Simpson urged Israel to continue the peace process. "A continued effort in the peace process means that Israel will achieve a more important presence in the world of trade", he said.
Published by Israel's Business Arena on January 27, 2000