Ger Rebbe orders followers to give up mobile phones

Rabbi Arie Alter: “Allowances from our institutions must not be spent on phone calls.” 2,200 telephones have been returned so far.

Rabbi Arie Alter, the Ger Rebbe, has ordered his followers studying at institutions of higher learning for Jewish religious education run by his group to return their mobile telephones, and those of their wives, the “Mishpacha” (family) haredi (ultra-Orthodox) weekly reported at the end of last week.

The Ger group is one of the largest Hasidic groups in Israel. Rabbi Alter, its leader, is one of the leaders of the Agudat Yisrael-affiliated Council of Torah Sages. Other Hasidic groups often follow precedents set by the Ger group.

The main motive for Rabbi Alter’s order is economic. “Mishpacha” quotes him as saying that support payments from the Ger group’s institutions must not be spent on mobile telephone conversations. Religious motives were a marginal consideration, particularly in view of the fact that all three wireless phone companies offer special terms for the haredi public, under which access to erotic services and the like are blocked.

In addition to a monthly scholarship of NIS 550, United Ger Institutions grant those studying at their institutions of higher learning a fixed sum for each family member. Before every Jewish holiday, and after the birth of every child, grants totaling hundreds of shekel are distributed. Rabbi Alter has ordered that those keeping their mobile phones will be restricted to the monthly grant. He also hinted that if this measure does not suffice, even the basic monthly support payment could be affected.

Published by Globes [online] - - on February 16, 2004

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