The figure is being significantly influenced by the Covid-19 crisis with hundreds of thousands of people on low salaries sent on unpaid leave returning to work in May.
The average monthly salary in the Israeli economy in May was NIS 11,459, down from NIS 12,137 in April but up from NIS 10,581 in March, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports.
The figure is being significantly influenced by the Covid-19 crisis with the latest fall due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people on low salaries were sent on unpaid leave in March and April and returned to work in May.
The top sector in Israel in terms of the average salary is high-tech, where the average salary in May was NIS 24,773, down from NIS 25,090 in April.
Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on August 4, 2020 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2020
Salary slip