After a very long absence, double-decker buses are set to make a comeback on Israel's roads this year.
The National Public Transport Authority in the Ministry of Transport is to carry out a pilot study in which about five double-decker buses will be bought for a trial on Egged and Dan urban routes.
Over a decade ago, Egged was using double-decker buses from Neoplan on inter-city routes, but because of recurring operational problems they were abandoned. The new trial will be of more advanced buses currently designed for urban use only, and among other things the option is being examined of buses with hybrid power systems.
If the trial succeeds, these buses could represent a good solution to the problems of public transport at peak traffic times, with a near-double passenger capacity, the same area on the road, and about half the air pollution, of the single-decker buses currently in use.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 16, 2015
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