Israeli cybersecurity co Polyrize raises $4m

Cybersecurity  image: Shutterstock
Cybersecurity image: Shutterstock

The Tel Aviv based company helps enterprise security teams understand, control and secure user identities, privileges and access behavior in the cloud.

Israeli cybersecurity company Polyrize has emerged from stealth and announced that it has raised $4 million in seed funding led by Glilot Capital Partners and with the participation of Saban Ventures.

Polyrize is a cybersecurity platform that helps enterprise security teams understand, control and secure user identities, privileges and access behavior in the cloud. Based in Tel Aviv, the company was founded by CEO Nati hazut and CTO Aviv Gabay.

Polyrize has also officially launched its cybersecurity platform to help enterprise security teams automate the authorization security process across native and non-native cloud environments. Leveraging a proxyless approach and a machine learning engine, Polyrize continuously authorizes identities and gives security teams centralized control over permissions and actions - across any IaaS and SaaS environments - to prevent unauthorised access from internal or external threats.

Hazut said, "The shift to the public cloud and the rapid adoption of SaaS and IaaS have created a borderless perimeter in the enterprise. Applications today are largely distributed and managed disparately by different people within an organization. System owners have become the new access owners, making it nearly impossible to understand who has access rights and authorization to company assets. Bottom line is security teams have lost control. That's precisely why we built Polyrize: to provide security teams with a true zero-trust approach to protecting identity access in the cloud."

Built by experts in cyber intelligence from the Israel Defense Forces, Polyrize correlates user permissions with actual identity behavior across any cloud. It also breaks down any service terminology to its fundamental building blocks. Leveraging the company's proprietary identity graph technology and advanced AI capabilities, Polyrize provides security teams with a centralized view of internal and external user identities, access privileges and behavior.

Gabay said, "While the public cloud has been a great enabler for business, an increasing number of services and applications have made access logic, permission sets, resources, capabilities and risks much more difficult to manage. Security teams are struggling to adjust and, in many cases, are forced to manually learn, analyze and secure each identity on each service separately. Polyrize allows those teams to set effective controls around all of the different cloud services and maintain the precise level of involvement needed to control identity access, and protect against internal and external threats."

"Today's enterprise security teams fly blind post log-in," said Kobi Samboursky, co-founder and Managing Partner at Glilot Capital Partners. "They simply lack the tools to understand who has access to what, and why. As emphasis is moving toward cloud and Zero Trust, access becomes the last defense line. When we first met Nati and the team, we were immediately aligned with their vision and mission of securing authorization. We are thrilled to have the company join our portfolio and to play a role in its growth and success for years to come."

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on July 2, 2019

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Cybersecurity  image: Shutterstock
Cybersecurity image: Shutterstock
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