The Samsara suitcase project achieved its target on the Kickstarter crowdfunding website in just four hours.
A new project on the Kickstarter crowdfunding website offers carryon baggage made out of the same materials as the airplane itself. The alloy of which the case is made includes titanium, magnesium, and zinc, which makes it relatively lightweight, while at the same time providing better protection for the items inside it and making it fireproof.
The Samsara suitcase project has already raised $132,000, well above its $15,000 target. The case costs NIS 1,550, with an innovative construction method that provides more room than any other case of the same size, as well as a surface on which a laptop can be placed.
The LED lighting inside the case makes it possible to use it in the dark. The case can be charged up to 10 times with a mobile device, and includes a sensor that warns you if it is opened by someone else. The entrepreneurs are Israelis. Delivery is slated to begin in November 2017.
Published by Globes [online], Israel Business News - - on June 25, 2017
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Samsara suitcase photo: video