The latest "Globes"-Smith Institute poll finds that in a week in which Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett should have won kudos from his supporters, he actually lost support for the first time since the elections in January 2013. The latest poll found that support for Habayait Hayehudi is down from its peak support of 15 seats six months ago, to 11 Knesset seats in the midst of his quarrel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Fortunately for Bennett, the poll was conducted before his apology (or clarification, depending on who you ask), and this may be just as well.
It seems that the public believes that Bennett displayed immature conduct and sees him as a punk. On the other hand, Habayait Hayehudi's fall in the polls may be the reason for the political developments, and Bennett, who sought an opportunity to stand out, used Netanyahu's comments on the settlements as an excuse to restore his lost honor and try to establish his position as leader of the Right.
The latest poll shows Likud-Beitenu unchanged at 36 Knesset seats from the previous poll a month ago (compared with 31 seats in the elections). Minister of Finance Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid is up two Knesset seats to 12 seats (compared with 19 seats in the elections). The Labor Party is down two seats to 17 seats (15), and Habayit Hayehudi is also down two seats to 11. Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni's Hatnua is up one seat to four (six), and Meretz is also up one seat to ten (six). All other parties are unchanged from the December poll.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 30, 2014
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