New Tel Aviv co supports Chinese high-tech investors

Edwards You LYU Photo: Ronen Machlev
Edwards You LYU Photo: Ronen Machlev

VADI helps investors overcome language and cultural barriers, Israeli bureaucracy and legal issues.

VADI Ventures Ltd, a first of its kind Chinese-owned company established in Israel, has been publically launched at the IVC conference on Chinese Investments in Israeli High-Tech companies at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The company, based in Tel Aviv, is aimed at supporting Chinese investors and entrepreneurs making their first steps within the high-paced, dynamic Israeli business and technology industries.

VADI cofounder and CEO Edwards You Lyu said, "Despite the Chinese investments growth in Israeli high-tech companies in the past year, there is still a gap between the mutual effort to promote Chinese investments in Israeli technology and the results in the field."

According to the latest information released by the Chinese Embassy in Israel, non-financial investment from China in Israel was $6 billion in 2015. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, non-financial direct investment from China in foreign countries reached $118.02 billion in 2015.

Lyu added, "Thousands of Chinese investors, owners of middle-market companies, are seeking strategic investments in Israeli startups. However, it's not easy for Israeli entrepreneurs to identify, who is a serious Chinese investor and who is not."

He continued, "Giants like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are not necessarily the adequate investors for most Israeli startups. Compared with these enormous companies, part of them have partnered with Israeli funds, VADI represents a different kind of investors, more likely to do business with the Israeli startup market: Chinese small and middle size companies, most of them from the industry sector."

"The Chinese Economy is now restructuring" he said, "Traditional industries feel an urgent need for transformation and upgrading through innovation. The Chinese stock market ups and downs also force public listed companies to manage their stock price. On top of that, there is an overseas M&A transition from natural resources to sci-tech, from billions to millions, from state owned enterprises to private owned business. For these Chinese investors, investment abroad serves them to get technologies, patents and international market.

Lyu cites as an example the Chinese partners of VADI, organizations like China Zhisland based in Shanghai, a Business Club that unites 5,000 entrepreneurs with over 100 million RMB each, over two thirds of them are from traditional industries like manufacturing, assembling etc. Another one is MICI (Made in China International), the largest supplier for overseas study tours in China, for Chinese entrepreneurs and business people, in collaboration with the best EMBA programs of best Chinese universities.

Edwards is a Chinese entrepreneur with an extensive network in China, and expertise in working with the Israeli business community. He holds an International MBA of Tel Aviv University, and serves as Secretary General of of TAU (Tel Aviv University) China Alumni Association. Before moving to Israel, he spent 3 years working with Israel in the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal Government, China. VADI, registered as an Israeli company, with offices on Yavne Street in Tel Aviv, has Israeli employees who can speak Chinese and have studied in China.

VADI specializes in assisting investors with any challenges in the Israeli business market such as language and cultural barriers, local bureaucracy, legal issues and networking. Vadi is result-driven and puts its emphasis on following up, mentoring its customers start to finish: from driving new ideas and making them a reality, from inception through development to a successful release. The company has branches in Silicon Valley, Shanghai, and a network in the Chinese and American markets.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 22, 2016

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2016

Edwards You LYU Photo: Ronen Machlev
Edwards You LYU Photo: Ronen Machlev
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