Six civilians seriously injured in north as fighting escalates

Missile hits northern Israel credit: social media screenshot under copyright clause 27A
Missile hits northern Israel credit: social media screenshot under copyright clause 27A

An anti-tank missile injured IEC workers near Moshav Dovev and seven soldiers were lightly injured from mortar fire near Kibbutz Manara.

An Israeli civilian has been mortally wounded and five more seriously injured by an anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon. The civilians, including workers from the Israel Electric Corp. (IEC) repairing power lines and a farmer working in a chicken coop were in the region around Moshav Dovev on the Lebanese border. The injured were taken by Magen David Adom and army rescue forces to Ziv Hospital in Safed.

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack and the IDF artillery returned fire to the location from where the anti-tank missile was launched. The IDF also destroyed other rocket launchers in Lebanon. Hezbollah issued a false claim that it had hit soldiers installing surveillance equipment.

Sirens have been sounding in various locations along the northern border today including the Western Galilee. In the late afternoon, the IDF identified 15 rockets and missile fired towards Israel from Lebanon, of which four were successfully intercepted and the others fell on open land.

The IDF also reported that seven soldiers were lightly injured from mortar fire near Kibbutz Manara.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on November 12, 2023.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2023.

Missile hits northern Israel credit: social media screenshot under copyright clause 27A
Missile hits northern Israel credit: social media screenshot under copyright clause 27A
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