Smart payment co Zooz hiring 100 employees

Zooz enables retailers to create a personalized user experience.

Israeli company Zooz, which provides a smart payment platform, has announced a major personnel recruitment campaign to triple its workforce in 2015. The company, which has 50 employees, is seeking to hire an additional 100 employees for various development and marketing jobs, including an R&D team head, a Java automation engineer, a J2EE developer, a QA engineer, a sales manager, and a sales engineer.

Founded in 2010, Zooz's offices are in Ra'anana. The company raised $12 million a few months ago. Zooz deals in optimization of existing payment networks in large enterprises, while facilitating payments at sales points and through online platforms.

Zooz enables retailers to create a personalized user experience, both at the sales point in a store and on the Internet, by integrating the customer's particulars. When the customer makes a payment using Zooz's platform, the particulars of the transaction are stored in the company's systems, making it possible to connect the customer's data with his future transactions. These data enable retailers to offer the consumer personalized content and a personal user experience, thereby give sales a substantial boost.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on January 15, 2015

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