Thu: Banks, Teva, real estate sector strong; tech stocks retreat

The Tel Aviv 35 Index rose 2.6% this week, with Teva a standout today.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange rose today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index rose 1.42%, to 2,069.73 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index rose 1.54%, to 2,057.24 points; and the BlueTech Global Index rose 0.68%, to 418.04 points. The TelBond 60 corporate bond index rose 0.21%, to 373.36 points. Turnover totaled NIS 2.54 billion in equities and NIS 4.24 billion in bonds.

For the week, the Tel Aviv 35 Index rose 2.6%. The index is up 11.0% for the year to date.

On the foreign exchange market, the shekel-dollar representative rate was set 0.60% lower, at NIS 3.6410/$, and the shekel-euro representative rate was set 0.35% lower, at NIS 3.9501/€.

Bank Leumi led trading today, and rose 3.36%. Bank Hapoalim rose 1.71%; Teva, which rose 7.4% in New York yesterday following a positive recommendation, rose 4.76%; Discount Bank rose 2.58%; and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank rose 1.47%.

Strength in the real estate sector today contrasted with weakness in technology stocks. Notable advancers today were Property & Building, up 6.65%; G City, up 5.95%; Shikun & Binui, up 5.90%; Ashtrom, up 5.74%; and Acro KVU, up 5.56%. Camatek fell 5.24%; Next Vision fell 4.19%; and Priortech fell 3.41%.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on July 11, 2024.

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