Thu: Teva keeps sliding

The market fell today, despite rises by the big two banks, as Teva lost more ground, apparently because of an emerging competitor to Copaxone.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange fell today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 0.58%%, to 1,642.27 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index fell 0.56%, to 1,484.82 points; and the BlueTech Global Index fell 0.40%, to 395.99 points. The TelBond 20 corporate bond index rose 0.09%, to 349.21 points. Turnover totaled NIS 1.85 billion in equities and NIS 2.89 billion in bonds.

For the three-week period September 9-27, much interrupted by the Jewish holidays, the Tel Aviv 36 Index rose 0.5%. The index is up 8.8% for the year to date.

Next week, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange will again be closed on Sunday and Monday, reopening on Tuesday, October 2.

On the foreign exchange market, the representative shekel-dollar rate was set 0.56% higher, at NIS 3.5990/$, and the representative shekel-euro rate was set 0.07% higher, at NIS 4.2154/€. The shekel has weakened since the US Federal Reserve announced another interest rate hike yesterday. 

Bank Leumi led trading today, and rose 0.13%. Bank Hapoalim rose 0.53%; Frutarom rose 0.37%; Teva fell 4.40%; and Discount Bank fell 1.86%. Commentators have attributed Teva's steep drop over the past couple of sessions to the emergence of a new drug that will compete with its multiple sclerosis treatment Copaxone.

Camtek, which today announced orders worth $4.5 million from a tier-one OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) for its latest high-throughput 2D inspection system, rose 4.85%. Delek Drilling rose 3.06% and Ratio rose 2.07%.

Among today's notable decliners, besides Teva, Opko Health fell 6.41%, and Elbit Systems fell 3.41%.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on September 27, 2018

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