Wed: Banks, ICL lead declines

Stocks in Tel Aviv continued their slide from yesterday, while the shekel-dollar exchange rate shot up.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange fell today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 1.52%, to 1,961.18 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index fell 1.48%, to 2,015.55 points; and the BlueTech Global Index fell 1.08%, to 412.41 points. The TelBond 60 corporate bond index fell 0.07%, to 358.03 points. Turnover totaled NIS 1.90 billion in equities and NIS 3.72 billion in bonds.

On the foreign exchange market, the shekel-dollar representative rate was set 2.44% higher, at NIS 3.4360/$, and the shekel-euro representative rate was set 0.65% higher, at NIS 3.4331/€.

Bank Leumi led trading today, and fell 1.82%. ICL fell 2.18%; Discount Bank fell 2.54%; Mizrahi Tefahot Bank fell 3.05%; and Nice Systems fell 0.56%.

Among stocks that bucked the downward trend were Nova Measuring Instruments, up 2.15%; Paz Oil, up 2.10%; Scope Metals Group, up 1.57%; and Delek Group, up 1.14%.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on September 14, 2022.

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