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Wiz and Google  credit: Tali Bogdanovsky Wiz: The blow to the workers, the founders' dominance

The decision by Wiz's four Israeli founders to go for a future IPO rather than accept Google's $23 billion bid keeps both employees and investors waiting.

Miri Regev  credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post Transport Ministry's delays are costing the economy

The ministry's spend on infrastructure development is stuck at about NIS 20 billion annually, far below what is needed to close Israel's productivity gap.

The shekel illustration: Gil Gibli How strong is Israel’s economy? It depends on your politics

The raw numbers can always be harnessed to a political narrative.

Pof. Ehud Raanani   credit: Sheba Medical Center The heart surgeon with a $300m exit: We had glitches

The sale to Edwards Lifesciences vindicates Innovalve's solution for the most common, and most challenging, heart valve disorder, and also Sheba Hospital's innovation model.

Netanyahu and Modi Photo: Reuters Adnan Abidi Even in wartime Israel and India strengthen ties

Over the past decade, the relationship between Jerusalem and Delhi has gone from strength to strength, rooted in defense industry collaboration, and enormous potential for trade.

Assaf Rappaport credit: Eyal Izhar Between Waze and Wiz Israel got lost

Reports in the international media about Google's talks to buy Wiz have airbrushed out the cybersecurity company's connection to Israel.

Wizz CEO Assaf Rappaport and COO Dali Rajic  credit: Ohad Kab What might have been: Three comments on Wiz

Wiz could have made the biggest IPO by an Israeli company on Nasdaq, but has apparently chosen a bird in the hand.

WhatsApp credit: Shutterstock "Globes" ranks WhatsApp as Israel's top 2024 brand

With the war and its uncertainties, the messaging app allows Israelis to stay in touch with their loved ones and keep updated.

Josh Frydenberg on a visit to Yad Vashem  credit: Personal photo They lit Sydney Opera House in blue and white. And then...

The eruption of antisemitism in Australia moved Josh Frydenberg to make a documentary to combat the hate. The former treasurer in the Australian government talks to "Globes" about politics and the Jewish community, and his optimism about Israel.

UK prime minister Sir Keir Starmer  credit: Reuters/Suzanne Plunkett Tax implications for Israelis of the UK election

New immigrants from the UK and Israelis with investments there could be caught by tax changes the new Labour government intends to introduce.

Gauzy co-founder and CEO Eyal Peso  credit: Nasdaq Inc. Controllable light unto the nations

Israeli smart glass developer Gauzy made its Nasdaq IPO last month. Co-founder Eyal Peso explains where it came from, and where it's going.

Slicing up the public pie  credit: Shutterstock Taxes: Who pays, and who receives?

A new study attempts to give an accurate picture of the gaps between different sectors of Israeli society in taxation and public services.

Dan Loeb  credit: Reuters/Brendan McDermid Invests in Israel, sues Intel, avoids Nvidia

Dan Loeb grew his hedge fund from $3 million to $7.7 billion, although he missed the AI revolution. Now his combative activist spirit is also tackling anti-Israel campus protests.

Dan Senor credit: Rami Zarniger Dan Senor: Optimistic on Israel, fearful for US Jews

The "Start-Up Nation" co-author tells "Globes" about unprecedented antisemitism in the US and his belief that Israeli tech will come through the war stronger.

Len Blavatnik  credit: Tim Bishop What does Len Blavatnik want at News 13?

"Globes" spoke to people who know Blavatnik well, to assess his role in Yulia Shamalov-Berkovich’s appointment as CEO of News 13, which has sparked a revolt among the channel’s journalists.

Finance Ministry  director general Shlomi Heisler at ''Talking North'' event  credit: Cadya Levy "Burdens must be shared equally"

Finance Ministry director general Shlomi Heisler talks candidly to "Globes" about aid to the north and south, and keeping the fiscal deficit under control.

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