Hundreds of protestors yesterday prevent a Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. ship of being unload at the Port of Oakland in California. The protestors came in two groups, blocking two shifts of longshoremen, who agreed not to cross the picket line, leaving nobody to unload the vessel.
Police and demonstrators estimated that a crowd of 500 people blocked the entrance to Pier 4 where the Zim ship was anchored. Oakland Police said that no arrests were made.
Our objective was to boycott this ship for 24 hours, and we succeeded in doing that," said Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition, one of the groups that organized the protest.
In a separate development, the Israeli cabinet yesterday eased the blockade of Gaza, to allow the entry of civilian goods, after being checked by Israel. The blockade still applies to all weapons and ordnance.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 21, 2010
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