Bezeq offers faster Internet access for same price

The company is offering 20 Mbps at no extra cost for one year - but subscribers have to buy the router.

Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Co. Ltd's (TASE: BEZQ) has announced a campaign to double Internet access speed for subscribers to 20 Mpbs at no extra cost for one year.

Bezeq's campaign is valid through March 5, and includes no subscriber commitment. It includes subscribers who currently still have 1.5-Mbps service, who can leapfrog to the faster service. Subscribers who sign up for the new service will receive a VDSL router at a cost of NIS 25 per month for two years.

Bezeq VP Ran Guron called on internet service providers to follow Bezeq and cut prices for internet access for ultra-fast speeds.

Bezeq disclosed that 500,000 internet subscribers have access speeds in excess of 10 Mbps - 42% of all subscribers - just three years after the company launched its 10 Mbps service. The company's average access speed is 7 Mbps, up from 2.7 Mbps three years, and the company expects the average access speed to reach 10 Mbps by the end of this year.

Yesterday, HOT Telecommunication Systems Ltd. (TASE: HOT) announced a new 100-Mbps service for NIS 20 per month.

Bezeq's share price fell 1.5% today to NIS 6.23, giving a market cap of NIS 17.1 billion, and HOT's share price rose 0.3% to NIS 41.87, giving a market cap of NIS 3.2 billion.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on February 15, 2012

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