Regulator bans Bezeq from charging for naked ADSL

The Communications Ministry cancelled Bezeq's NIS 25 monthly fee for customers with only an internet line but no telephone line.

The Ministry of Communications has prohibited Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Co. Ltd. (TASE: BEZQ) from charging NIS 25 per month for naked ADSL - an internet line only for customers who do not have a Bezeq telephone line.

Until now, customers without Bezeq phone lines paid the company for the ADSL service - the rate of internet access speed, and a NIS 25 fee for the line itself. The ministry's decision means that customers will now make only one payment to Bezeq, for the ADSL service.

Bezeq's share price fell 0.3% by early afternoon today to NIS 6.28, giving a market cap of NIS 17 billion.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 6, 2012

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