HOT discontinues cut-rate Internet services

The Ministry of Communications ruled that cooperation between HOT and HOT-Net violated the latter's license.

HOT Telecommunication Systems Ltd. (TASE: HOT) informed the Ministry of Communications last night that it was stopping marketing Internet services together with its ISP subsidiary HOT-Net. The decision was in response to Ministry of Communications director general Eden Bar Tal's request on the matter to HOT CEO Herzl Ozer.

Bar Tal told Ozer that the Ministry of Communications found that the joint marketing between HOT and its subsidiary was problematic and violated the terms under which HOT.Net had been issued a license.

In its response HOT said that it did not accept the Ministry of Communications interpretation of the licensing conditions but was nevertheless ending the joint marketing.

Other companies in the sector wondered why it took the Ministry of Communications so long to intervene on the cut-price Internet off, which they claimed was a clear violation of licensing terms.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on March 6, 2012

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