Yosef (Yossi) Maiman has put his yacht up for sale. He is asking $35 million for the Noa 7, named for his daughter. Maiman, who is trying to reach a settlement with the bondholders of Ampal-American Israel Corporation (Nasdaq: AMPL; TASE:AMPL), which he controls, recently declared, "I have no money." Today's announcement indicates that this is the case.
Ampal's financial report for the first quarter of 2012 states that it has a shareholders' equity deficit of $132 million, after a net loss of $215 million for the first quarter, compared with a net profit of $17 million for the corresponding quarter of 2011.
The Noa 7 is a luxury yacht with several bedrooms, a gym, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, and tanning promenades, and other features.
Maiman house in Herzliya Pituah and his yacht are registered in his name.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on May 15, 2012
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