600 volunteers join Yizhar Shai's movement after son killed

Darkenu volunteers deliver washing machines to soldiers
Darkenu volunteers deliver washing machines to soldiers

Israel mobilizes: Non-partisan civil society movement Darkenu has rtecruited 600 volunteers during the war in which Yaron Shai was killed.

In recent years, the Darkenu movement has been active in Israel's Gaza border settlements, trying to create a political alliance with local residents. As a non-partisan civil society movement, Darkenu's leaders say it represents the moderate majority, which supports a democratic and Jewish state as well as equality for all citizens - Jews and Arabs. From the moment the war began in the south, it was clear that its members, and there are 400,000 of them, would be involved in volunteer initiatives for the residents there.

However, within a short time disaster hit them. Yaron Shai, the son of the chairman of Darkenu's executive committee, the venture capitalist and former Minister of Science and Technology Yizhar Shai, was killed defending the Gaza border settlements.

Darkenu cofounder and CEO Nimrod Devik says that he was shocked by the disaster and before he had time to fully digest it, there were other tragedies in his immediate circle. "A team member's aunt and cousin were kidnapped from Be'eri, a classmate of mine was killed. As an Israeli I know death and worry, but I'm not used to it, no one is used to it being so much in one blow."

The movement is focusing on a system for managing the emergency situation, through which it is operating 600 volunteers, and provides answers to dozens of requests and inquiries a day, from evacuees from the south, from people in need throughout the country, and from IDF units.

What sort of requests do you receive?

"Everything - graduates of the Oketz (Sting) Unit are looking for socks for all the recruits. ZAK Search and Rescue needs insurance for trailers. The Bedouin population needs an Arabic-speaking psychologist. Someone sent a container of hygiene equipment and mattresses from abroad, and it needs to be released from customs. Shelters need to be cleared so that the elderly population can enter them. There is a unit that suffered a lot of casualties and Hamas burned all their equipment, and they are asking to renew leisure rooms."

"There is a rupture here"

What is the most unexpected request you have received?

"There was a request for nail polish gel for girls from the south, who were evacuated to Mitzpe Ramon. At first we were surprised, but of course we immediately found someone to come and take care of it. People lost everything, and the external things also give them back a little sense of sanity."

Have there been changes in needs over this period?

"In the first days, hotels needed help with food, baby equipment and clothes. Now people are starting to be accommodated in houses, and these houses need to be equipped with household utensils and electrical goods. Soon there will be another round, for the northern evacuees."

Devick admits that he has been overwhelmed by the number of requests, and also is trying to put things into perspective. "There is some sort of fracture here. We don't understand why we are strengthening this whole system, while over the years we have been criticized and are still being criticized now."

Haven't you had support from the state?

"No contact. I don't understand it."

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on October 19, 2023.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2023.

Darkenu volunteers deliver washing machines to soldiers
Darkenu volunteers deliver washing machines to soldiers
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