On Independence Day eve Israel's population reaches 9.9m

Knesset credit: Shutterstock Roman Yanushevsky
Knesset credit: Shutterstock Roman Yanushevsky

The population has grown by 1.9% or 189,000 since last Independence Day, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports.

Israel's population has reached 9.9 million on the eve of Israel's 76th Independence Day, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports.

The population has grown by 1.9% or 189,000 since last Independence Day. Over the year, 196,000 babies were born, 37,000 people immigrated to Israel and 60,000 people died.

The Central Bureau of Statistics projects that Israel's population will reach 11.1 million by 2030, 13.2 million by 2040, and 15.2 million by 2048, which will be the country's 100th anniversary.

Israel's population comprises 7.247 million Jews (73.2%). 2.089 million Arabs (21.1%) and 564,000 others (5.7%).

Since the establishment of the state in 1948, 3.4 million people have immigrated to Israel, 1.6 million (47.1%) of them since 1990.

By Independence Day next year, Israel's population is expected to have surpassed the 10 million threshold.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - en.globes.co.il - on May 12, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Knesset credit: Shutterstock Roman Yanushevsky
Knesset credit: Shutterstock Roman Yanushevsky
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